Marriage Enrichment – THE MARRIAGE KIT

Marriage Enrichment – The Marriage Kit Investing in your marriage and your relationship with each other is important. The Marriage Kit created by SmartLoving is an online course for married couples wanting a lasting, passionate relationship. FOR A 50% DISCOUNT, USE COUPON CODE: PlymouthUK

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Marriages in Distress - BREAKTHROUGH

Many couples at various stages of their marriage face times where they feel stuck and are at a standstill in their relationship. The SmartLoving BreakThrough online course helps marriages under stress by working with individual spouses to optimize their interior peace so that they can approach their difficulties from a position of strength and love. This course will help to: *Identify conflict triggers *Learn strategies to de-escalate an argument *Find constructive ways to re-establish connection. FOR A 50% DISCOUNT, USE COUPON CODE: PlymouthUK

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Smartloving FERTILITY

SmartLoving Fertility is an online course to teach you and your fiancé/spouse natural fertility awareness methods. This is not just another birth control method. It's a framework for living your marriage within your Catholic Faith. Based on the Sympto-Thermal method, it incorporates a unique blend of scientific insights with relationship frameworks and Catholic Theology to foster intimacy and help you flourish as a couple. FOR A 50% DISCOUNT, USE COUPON CODE: PlymouthUK

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Infertility Support

Struggling with infertility, subfertility and miscarriage is a great burden for couples, especially when they so deeply desire to live out their vocation to welcome the gift of children from God. All may seem hopeless. In moments such as these, remember that despite infertility, couples can have a married life that is filled with love and meaning. NaProTechnology - Fertility Care and NaProTechnology offer a minimally invasive, ethical approach to the assessment and treatment of infertility.

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Newlywed Date Nites is a program to support couples in their first year of marriage. Sent every second week, each Date Nite includes topic information, reflection questions and a discussion guide for a 30-minute relationship activity that can be easily incorporated into a regular couple date. Compiled by the founders of SmartLoving, Dr Byron and Francine Pirola, it addresses common challenges facing newlyweds with wisdom, insight and humour. FOR A 50% DISCOUNT, USE COUPON CODE: PlymouthUK

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SmartLoving THEOLOGY - In Love, With Love, Through Love

A short course exploring the application of the Theology of the Body to spiritual exercises for the married. * A brief introduction to key themes in St Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body * An exploration of the role of sexual intimacy in marriage * Five spiritual exercises designed specifically for married couples

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For dating couples considering engagement One of the most critical decisions you will make in your life, is the decision to marry. Not only does it have life-long implications, the decision to marry sets in motion a series of events that carry you towards that commitment with considerable force.

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Marriage Preparation SmartLoving Engaged is an online Catholic marriage preparation course for engaged couples. Consisting of 9 lessons, a couple can progress through the course at their own pace and will receive a certificate of completion at the end. There is an option to go through the course with your sponsor couple as well.

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